echo "hello world"
echo hello world
echo 'hello world'
printf "hello world"
echo hello\ world
printf 'hello world'
echo "hello world";
'echo' hello world
'echo' "hello world"
echo " hello world"
echo "hello world "
printf "hello world\n"
echo "hello world"
cat <<< "hello world"
echo -n "hello world"
echo 'hello world';
echo ""hello world""
echo ''hello world''
echo " hello world "
echo hello world
echo hello world;
echo "hello world" > hello.txt && cat hello.txt
echo -n hello world
echo $"hello world"
printf "hello world";
"echo" hello world
echo 'hello world '
echo -e "hello world"
printf "%s" "hello world"
echo -e hello world
'echo' 'hello world'
echo 'hello world'
command echo hello world
echo "hello world" >> file1 && cat file1
echo 'hello world' ;
echo "hello world"\
printf '%s' "hello world"
echo ""hello world
echo ' hello world'
echo "uryyb jbeyq" | tr '[n-za-m]' '[a-z]'
echo "hello world" >> texto.txt | cat texto.txt
echo "hello world"; touch text.txt
echo "hello "world
'echo' "hello world";
printf '%s %s\n' hello world
echo -ne "hello world"
echo -e ''hello world''
printf -- "hello world\n"
printf "%s %s" hello world
printf '%s\n' 'hello world'
Your first challenge is to print "hello world" on the terminal in a single command.
Hint: There are many ways to print text on the command line, one way is with the 'echo' command. Try it below and good luck!